Wednesday, June 24, 2009

First Post

I'm not sure if there are any formalities I'm supposed to fulfill in a first blog post.  I'm new to this whole crazy thing.  I created this account on a whim with ideas of grandeur floating through my mind.  Now they've all floated away, and I'm left wondering if this is still a good idea.  Damn feelings; they're always so fickle.  They're nice while they last, but I can't depend on them to help me get things done; so, I might as well finish what I started with or without their fair weather aid.  

I hope the future posts will help some people, myself included.  I'm not sure what I'll blog about, but that's the adventure of it all, isn't it?  I want to be candid but not so candid that everyone knows my real name.  Depending on how far down this road of honesty I go, a real name could potentially get me into some trouble.  So anyway, welcome to my blog.  My name is William McMurtry...  

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